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Text File
231 lines
HeaderKey v1.0a7 12/03/90
Copyright 1990 Brian Fitzgerald
All rights reserved.
About HeaderKey
I got tired of making function header comments by hand, so I tried to
write one using the MPW shell commands. After everything was said and
done, the script took over 20 seconds to execute! Ridiculous. So I
started to make a real MPW tool that did this, then said "Waitaminut!
Why not make it an FKEY?
Why not? So, after a long Sunday afternoon, and a week of fixes,
we have HeaderKey 1.0a7.
This is an FKEY (id=9) that will bring up a dialog allowing you to
enter information about the function, and choose a language to spit out
that information in a comment header. You have to PASTE after you run
the FKEY to get the information into your text editor.
Very preliminary
However, this is a very preliminary version. It only supports C and
assembly (I made it for assembly-language programming, but in the process
of debugging it added the C support (it's written in Think C) ). It has a
few quirks. It's somewhat rigid (inflexible). But it's still darn useful.
New as of version 1.0a7 - cmd-U to update the display of the header so
you can see what it will look like. Also, cut/copy/paste work (they did
in 1.0a2 but probably no one tried it!). And finally, added some hacks so
that the desk scrap will copy back and forth correctly.
What do I do?
OK, the Header FKEY file has 4 DLOG resources, 4 DITL resources, and
an FKEY resource. If you have Suitcase or some such, then great - just
open the file up, and you're going. If not, then you need to paste
these resources into your System file. Since this FKEY is really
intended for programmers, I hope you know how to do that. No? Well,
quick instructions (you of COURSE have a backup and you KNOW that I
can't be held liable etc). From Finder (not MultiFinder), double-click
on the "Header FKEY" file to open ResEdit. Also open the System file
from the system folder. Copy DLOG from "Header FKEY". Paste into
"System". Repeat with DITL and FKEY. Close System (save changes). Quit.
Ok, you got it.
To use it, just run your favorite programming editor (Think C, MPW,
or whatever). Hit command-shift-9. You should see a dialog box
(since this is a TEXT file, sorry no pictures). Fill in the three
boxes, click on the appropriate language button (C or Asm only for now,
sorry!), then click the "Make Header" button. Now, do a PASTE (this
is always command-V). You should see your header appear in all it's
glory. (If not, and you are using Think C, see below).
Known bugs and quirks.
1. none
There is one thing- the handling of the desk scrap. Since an FKEY
invocation doesn't trigger window activate/deactivate events, most
applications don't write their private scrap to the desk scrap. MPW
knows that the desk scrap changed when the FKEY exited, Think C sometimes
doesn't (if you COPY'd, then ran the FKEY, you would not get your
crafted header pasted in).
To fix this, I added some code hinted at by Mike Livewright. If the
TE scrap has something in it, copy it to the desk scrap on entry, and
copy the desk scrap to the TE scrap on exit. This kinda bothers me, but
it seems to work for Think C. Unfortunately, it doesn't work for the
MPW editor. A little poking about with The Debugger (triggering on
Scrap Manager traps) reveals that Think C uses the TE scrap (even though
they have their "PE" replacement for TextEdit, it evidently shares some
of the globals et al. But MPW is a more robust editor, and has entirely
private data structures, ones I didn't feel like busting into. So if
I get the MPW part working, I'll have to give up the TE scrap copy idea,
or recognize which editor was active on FKEY invocation (ugg!).
So, Think C should work just fine, but in order to IMPORT a scrap into
the FKEY (which isn't supported yet anyway), you need to COPY, then
change windows to force the private MPW scrap into the desk scrap.
The copying via the desk scrap on exit from the FKEY seems to work just
fine the way it is, however, and that's the important part (for now).
Where am I going?
Near-term future plans
o Finish up Pascal support.
o Add flourishes to C and Asm support.
o Allow defaults to be "sticky" from invocation to invocation.
o Allow defaults to be saved to disk.
o Fix known bugs.
o Add better help.
Long-term plans
o Add template parsing to add flexibility to comment generation.
o Read scrap on FKEY start to generate defaults for fields.
o Make "sets" for ease of generating multiple comment formats.
Let me know how useful (or useless) this FKEY is. I am willing to
entertain most reasonable requests for formats, languages and so forth.
I wrote this for myself and a few others, and would like to widen the
circle. Programming tools are so primitive! Let's get some better ones
out there. (Not that this in itself should be construed as a "better one").
Reporting bugs
I am releasing a preliminary version because
1) I think this is so neat that people need this know.
2) I'd like to find out about bugs.
To reward bug reporting, I will give free registrations as follows
1. You are the first to report the bug. (I may have already fixed it!)
2. It has to be reproducible (ie I have to see it myself).
3. Not insignificant (cosmetic problems are not bugs, but I
would like to hear about them).
I will be fairly liberal with registrations. This policy will be in
effect until further notice or until I go broke from free registrations.
Ah yes, that plea. You've heard it all before. Here are the terms - you
can evaluate for 10 days (if you know if you need this after 10 days of
evaluation, then trust me you probably do but just don't realize it).
After that, please stop using, or register it.
$5.00 You want to register it, and get on mailing list
$10.00 You want to register, and also get the next 2 upgrades free.
$20.00 Register, 2 upgrades, and source code.
You can pay check or cash. If you are foreign, and have problems with
check transfers (ie large bank charges), send me an e-mail or US mail and
I might be able to work out a credit card transfer through a local computer
If you got this package, there should be two files
Header FKEY v1.0a7
HeaderKey v1.0a7 readme
If you are passing this on, you must distribute both files together.
Please. As long as both files are passed together, put it anywhere you
Where to write
Brian Fitzgerald
18942 Dallas Ave
Riverside, CA 92508
CompuServe: 72250,3226
BIX: bfitz
AppleLink: D0366
Ma Bell: (714) 780-3328 only between 6PM and 12PM
December 3rd, 1990
ps - if you get this more than 1 year after the above date, don't assume that
the address and phone number are still good. However, my electronic IDs will
probably be good for longer than the life of the Macintosh.
Change History
12/03/90 1.0a7 Now show the scrap as it is being built. The user
can hit cmd-U to update the display (rebuilding
is slow right now, so this is not done automatically
yet..). Fixed all known bugs. Second release.
Added hooks for using tabs or spaces (could be an
option later, but it was added for the clipboard
display). Added kludge for Think C editor.
12/01/90 1.0a6 Reworked header forming code to take parameters.
The "open/close" buttons are respected to slightly
modify the formed header, and the margins are
11/29/90 1.0a5 Added new dialog to customize spacing parameters.
Set up for read/write of parameters to disk, but
left for future implementation.
11/28/90 1.0a4 Changed it to use global variables (from A4) to
make modularization easier (some routines need
global variables). Moved constants and prototypes
into header file. More fix to update problem.
11/26/90 1.0a3 Fixed updating problems. Also fix spaces in front
of lines, and blank lines to form separators. Add
tweaks so that we have a start/end char. Need to
rework all this so it's cleaner. Added cut/copy/
paste support to main dialog.
11/26/90 1.0a2 Added assembly language headers, changed to 72
column lines. Fixed at 0/12/68/72, but need to
add dialog so that users can edit this to their
preferences. Lots of choices unfortunately.
11/25/90 1.0a1 First version. Choose between C, Asm, and Pascal
Headers. Put header in system scrap for pasting into
any editor. Only supports C, with fixes needed as
indicated below.